Surgical > Breast


Breast Implants

La inclusión de The addition of breast implants to increase the size of breasts is one of the most usual surgical operations in plastic surgery. When asking your surgeon about breast implants, the following should be considered:

Firstly, breast implants are not permanent and require the patient´s commitment to her organism. Several studies agree on the fact that the lifetime of an implant ranges between 10 and 15 years. This is an important aspect since every patient having breast implants will certainly require a new surgery in the future.

The companies give a lifetime guarantee of the implant as opposed to the rupture of the implant.

The type of incision that the surgeon will use to place the implant, since it depends on the kind of breast and the size of the areola-nipple complex. The typical approach is performed through the sub-mammary, periaerolar and axillary grooves, and you may ask your surgeon about the difference among them

Implant placement in the prepectoral or retropectoral position, which also depends on the characteristics of the breast.

The volume of the implants which must suit the patient´s anatomic proportions and the size of the breast so as to achieve body balance.

In addition to an implant, some patients require the aesthetic correction of the position of the areola-nipple complex which appears lowered, usually due to having nursed.

This procedure is generally performed outpatiently, under local anesthesia and anesthetic sedation (neurolepto-anesthesia). Remember to ask how post-operative recovery would be like so that you could return to your daily chores.

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Surgical Treatment Of Gigantomasty
And Breast Ptosis

When the patient´s breasts have a considerably larger volume than the appropriate for her body contour, a deformity in the aesthetic harmony of her body and an excessive weight in the anterior region of the chest are generated. This overweight is reflected on the position of the spinal column and causes a chronic marked cifoscoliosis, which generates discomfort and physical limitation while performing chores.

This surgery combines shape and scars which can only be seen privately. The design of the scars depends on the volume and shape of the breast. Therefore, the patient should ask her surgeon about the best indication for her problem. The procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia and requires on average 24 hours of hospitalization.

The so-called breast ptosis occurs when the breast only has a position problem but normal volume (flaccidity), and the surgical technique is tailored to suit each case in particular. This procedure can be performed outpatiently, under local anesthesia and anesthetic sedation or general anesthesia.

Remember to ask how post-operative recovery would be like so that you could return to your daily chores .

Breast Ptosis

Surgical Treatment Of Gigantomasty
And Breast Ptosis

When the patient´s breasts have a considerably larger volume than the appropriate for her body contour, a deformity in the aesthetic harmony of her body and an excessive weight in the anterior region of the chest are generated. This overweight is reflected on the position of the spinal column and causes a chronic marked cifoscoliosis, which generates discomfort and physical limitation while performing chores.

This surgery combines shape and scars which can only be seen privately. The design of the scars depends on the volume and shape of the breast. Therefore, the patient should ask her surgeon about the best indication for her problem. The procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia and requires on average 24 hours of hospitalization.

The so-called breast ptosis occurs when the breast only has a position problem but normal volume (flaccidity), and the surgical technique is tailored to suit each case in particular. This procedure can be performed outpatiently, under local anesthesia and anesthetic sedation or general anesthesia.

Remember to ask how post-operative recovery would be like so that you could return to your daily chores .

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction After An Oncological Breast Surgery

Breast reconstruction is undoubtedly one of the most interesting challenges in reconstruction surgery. Certain aspects should be considered for this kind of operation. The plastic surgeon, the mastologist and the patient should agree on the time for reconstruction; supplementary therapies may be required for the treatment of the oncological disease and for the modification of the reconstruction type to be performed.

How is breast reconstruction perfomed?
The use of skin expanders and later prothesis placement is a good alternative when it is allowed by the local tissues. These devices are placed under the skin of the masectomy, stretching the skin of the chest region so as to place a breast prothesis.

This technique requires at least two surgical procedures within approximately 6 months. The use of own tissues (muscular flaps) in reconstruction is an excellent option when its use is allowed by the anatomic case. Fat grafting and adipose stem cell therapy is a procedure widely used as a complement to breast reconstruction, it consists of removing fat from an area of the body to improve the aesthetic results of breast reconstruction.

Which is the best reconstructive alternative?
Each case should be individually analyzed and dealt with in an interdisciplinary way by mastologists and plastic surgeons so as to decide on the best reconstructive option.


What is gynecomastia?
The term gynecomastia refers to the hypertrophy of the breasts in the man due to the excessive development of the mammary gland.

Abnormal growth of the breasts in men is a frequent mammary pathology that can be due to a simple excess of fat or to an abnormal growth of the mammary gland.

Breast augmentation in men can be symmetrical or asymmetrical and present unilaterally or bilaterally.

Mammograms and ultrasound mammograms will be necessary to diagnose if the increase of breasts in the man is due to an exeso of fat tissue or to an abnormal glandular growth of the same. Hormonal studies will be necessary to determine if there is an endocrine cause that generates it.

The consumption of steroids, cannabis or liver failure to metabolize certain hormones are frequent causes of this pathology.

The procedure can be treated with liposuction or glandular resection surgery (adenomastectomy) depending on whether the cause of enlargement is by fatty or glandular tissue.

The procedure is ambulatory and the patient is reintegrated to his usual tasks in 48 hours